Ethiopian Economics Association
The Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) was established as a non-profit making, non-political and non-religious..
Recent publications
Economic Focus
- The contribution of civil society organizations to the development of Ethiopia
- Ethiopia’s prospect of meeting the millennium development goals
- Envisioning A socially Developed Ethiopia
- Economic consideration for a Renewed Nationalism, Urban development and Urban Land Policy
- Micro-business Development in Ethiopia, Financing Micro and Small Scale Enterprises in Urban Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Economics
- Cereal Productivity in Ethiopia: An Analysis Based on ERHS Data
- Illness and Choice of Treatment in Urban and Rural Ethiopia
- Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Childhood Mortality in Ethiopia: An Instrumental Variable Approach
- Foreign Exchange Rationing and Wheat Markets in Ethiopia
- The Impact of Proximity to Urban Center on Crop Production Choice and Rural Income: Evidences from Villages in Wollo, Ethiopia
- Poverty Analysis of Children in Child Headed Households in Addis Ababa
- Road Sector Development and Economic Growth in Ethiopia
- Infrastructure and Agricultural Growth in Nigeria
- Causal Links among Saving, Investment and Growth and Determinants of Saving in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Ethiopia
- Urbanization and Fertility Rates in Ethiopia
- Economic implications of foreign exchange rationing in Ethiopia
- Spatial price dynamics and pricing conduct of wheat markets in Ethiopia
- Decision-making under risk: evidence from northern Ethiopia
- The dynamic links between investment, trade and growth: evidence from Ethiopia
- Determinants of Vertical and Horizontal Export Diversification: Evidences from Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia
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